Channel #semanticcamp: Logs

This is a public chat log generated from the #semanticcamp IRC channel.

08:56:27 jibot: Phae is Frances Berriman of
12:31:31 bblfish_: anyone here?
12:31:50 bblfish: just wondering who this was:
12:32:02 bblfish: I forgot his name
12:35:04 Phae: don't know - try matching the session on the schedule?
12:36:27 bblfish: mhh good idea
12:44:13 bblfish: does not lead to anything
12:48:57 bblfish: he was the guy from the Economist
16:05:12 jibot: tommorris is a semantic web geek (with a philosophy degree, naturally), lives in East Sussex, UK, is something of a strange quark (strangeness value: -1) and blogs at
20:24:00 jibot: tommorris is a semantic web geek (with a philosophy degree, naturally), lives in East Sussex, UK, is something of a strange quark (strangeness value: -1) and blogs at