Channel #semanticcamp: Logs

This is a public chat log generated from the #semanticcamp IRC channel.

11:23:13 bengee: camp-logger, quit
11:45:28 bengee: ok, look like it's worky now
11:45:35 bengee: s/look/looks/
11:46:26 danieljohnlewis: awesome, where does it log it?
11:52:03 bengee:
15:54:00 bengee: tommorris, logger logs to
15:54:16 tommorris: Eggscelent!
16:39:56 danieljohnlewis: just making sure that I am ready for tomorrow by doing the essentials: updating Mac OS X from 10.5.1 to 10.5.2 and making sure I have the newest firefox beta (3b3)
18:26:58 cbetta: is FF3b3 any good?
18:28:24 tommorris: yes!
18:29:38 tommorris: it still lacks support for a lot of useful extensions that i use, but it's a lovely browser
18:29:52 tommorris: And it's Acid2 compliant!
18:31:24 tommorris: Me is just trying to figure out the a/c in my room so i don't boil to death
18:42:18 tommorris: cbetta: spotted melinda in hallway at imperial cs dept today.
18:42:38 cbetta: I know
18:42:40 cbetta: she told me
18:42:47 tommorris: heh
18:42:48 cbetta: one of the few days she still hangs around at imp
18:42:56 cbetta: where will the camp be tomorrow?
18:43:07 cbetta: I mean: in the building
18:43:36 tommorris: it's going to be on the second floor, in a large classroom area near the lifts - with the hallway outside serving food and drinks
18:44:32 cbetta: hmm
18:44:33 cbetta: k
18:44:42 cbetta: so thats in the same area as where my former-supervisor works
18:44:51 cbetta: knowing her she works on Saturday
18:44:54 cbetta: so better lay low
18:44:55 cbetta: :D
18:45:08 tommorris: hide behind your laptop. ;)
18:45:33 cbetta: btw: FF3 might be Acid3 compliant, but atleast its not "compliant" like IE8 compliant
18:45:42 cbetta: have to go now
18:45:49 cbetta: mel is going to the netherlands
18:45:50 tommorris: oh, i wanted to ask you something
18:45:53 cbetta: setting her off at the bus
18:45:54 cbetta: cya later
18:45:57 tommorris: okay
18:45:59 cbetta: ah
18:46:01 tommorris: come back on irc later
18:46:05 cbetta: will you be online till late
18:46:07 cbetta: ?
18:46:09 tommorris: quite likely
18:46:16 cbetta: will be back at about 11 I think
18:46:18 tommorris: i'm punching holes in name cards tonight
18:46:20 tommorris: okay cya
18:46:22 cbetta: cya
18:47:55 cbetta: can I set smyself on "away" on IRC?
18:47:58 cbetta: dont remember anymore
18:48:51 tommorris: not really
18:48:53 tommorris: you can do /nick cbetta_afk
18:57:09 cbetta: ok
18:57:12 cbetta: btw:
18:57:13 bengee: doesn't /away work?
18:57:23 cbetta: is there breakfast tomorrow?
18:57:42 cbetta: odd behaviour
18:57:59 cbetta: ahh
18:58:13 bengee: bengee off to packing bags, looking 4ward to meeting everyone IRL 2morrow :)
18:58:51 tommorris: tommorris just punched a hole in bengee's badge
18:59:04 bengee: yay
19:19:16 cbetta: who knows Macserialjunkie?
19:26:27 binarytales: hello campers
19:40:00 tommorris: hey folks
19:40:43 tommorris: cbetta: this is being logged, remember...
19:41:07 binarytales: hey tom
19:41:27 tommorris: hi binarytales
19:41:35 binarytales: i'm in starbucks on kensington highstreet. I feel verry much like im in sex and the city
19:41:38 cbetta: lol
19:41:47 cbetta: just saying that htey now have a badge
19:41:49 cbetta: very cool
19:42:16 tommorris: kensington high street is my old stomping ground
19:42:30 cbetta: Im nicely at home
19:42:40 binarytales: i'm going to see jumper at the odeon at 8.50
19:42:41 cbetta: will be in the neighbourhood later on though
19:42:47 cbetta: have to go to victoria station
19:42:49 tommorris: cbetta: I was wondering if you could come earlier tomorrow
19:43:02 cbetta: for?
19:43:25 tommorris: moving food and drinks from supermarket to imperial
19:43:31 cbetta: sounds ok
19:43:35 cbetta: is there breakfast?
19:43:52 tommorris: a bit - i'm presuming most people will eat before they get there
19:43:57 cbetta: kinda important
19:43:58 cbetta: ok
19:44:04 cbetta: so I need to get some food from the shops now
19:44:05 cbetta: :D
19:44:10 cbetta: ran out of everything
19:44:11 cbetta: :D
19:44:20 cbetta: just have milk
19:44:26 cbetta: ow and Mel's conrflakes
19:44:28 cbetta: could use that
19:44:29 cbetta: :D
19:44:39 binarytales: is the huxley bulding where its being held. that is the building at the geo location you gave me tom
19:44:46 binarytales: i scoped it out earlier
19:44:49 tommorris: yep. huxley, floor two
19:46:13 cbetta: have to go for real now
19:46:14 cbetta: back at 11
19:46:15 cbetta: cya
19:46:22 tommorris: seeya
19:47:21 binarytales: tom, i had a run in with mr keith last night on yahoo live and he said he wasnt coming till sunday so i should save my session till then. is this the reason why you said i should do it sunday?
19:47:30 tommorris: yep
19:47:36 binarytales: thought as much
19:48:06 binarytales: i've applied for the internship at clear:left so thought he may want a nosey at what i was up to.
19:48:23 tommorris: oh cool
19:49:00 binarytales: starbucks is overrated.
19:49:12 binarytales: this is the crappest hot chocolate i have ever had
19:49:38 tommorris: starbucks is pretty rubbish
20:15:26 binarytales: my air time is about to run out. see everyone tomorrow!
20:38:52 tommorris: seeya
21:18:22 madness: hi
21:18:42 tommorris_: hey
21:20:08 madness: I'm trying to work out whether I'm better off driving up or getting public transport - know how the parking situation is ?
21:20:45 tommorris_: the parking situation will be expensive
21:20:53 madness: I guessed as much
21:21:04 tommorris_: £20 a day is about the current london price
21:21:09 madness: *nods*
21:21:12 madness: sounds about right
21:22:58 madness: madness checks train times
21:23:57 madness: ouch. 5:42 train !