Channel #semanticcamp: Logs

This is a public chat log generated from the #semanticcamp IRC channel.

23:09:02 cbetta: damn, it is so cold outside, I think my frozen pizza got more frozen on my way home
23:15:59 cbetta: so tommorris_ , what time is early?
23:16:35 tommorris_: maybe picking up at 8.45
23:22:23 cbetta: 8:45, ok
23:22:46 cbetta: can you mail me your phone nr or something
23:22:48 cbetta: ?
23:22:55 cbetta: might I not find where you are hanging out
00:38:06 cbetta: tommorris_ stupid question, there is no overnight, right?
06:01:55 tommorris_: cbetta: no
06:03:53 madness: right, on my way now. see you guys soon !
06:09:49 tommorris_: seeya
07:24:13 jerrell: morning
07:25:08 tommorris_: morning jerrell
07:28:26 tommorris_: gotta go
07:31:42 jerrell: me too, soon enough
07:34:42 cbetta: morning
07:38:15 jerrell: jerrell better go catch his train.
07:38:16 jerrell: bbiab
07:41:15 cbetta: Just decided: I am REALLY not a morning person
09:39:37 reyhan: zomg
10:12:29 cbetta: tom talks alot, right?
10:12:31 madness: hello !
10:13:20 NeylonE: tag counting application!
10:13:56 bengee: bengee doesn't have /topic privs, but channel logs are at
10:13:59 cbetta: eh should have used the real imperial url
10:14:02 cbetta:
10:14:05 cbetta: way cooler url
10:14:34 danieljohnlewis: if anyone remembers how to use paper and pens in this modern age
10:14:58 NeylonE: thats why the slides are all text based
10:17:27 danieljohnlewis: all note: there are OpenLink T-Shirts outside next to the badges and food/drink, these are in various sizes. They are free for you to take :-)
10:20:30 reyhan: i can haz speech?
10:20:34 reyhan: win
10:23:09 danieljohnlewis: somebody needs to be brave and take first slot :P
10:26:50 danieljohnlewis: welcome hugh
10:26:55 hughwilliams: Hi daniel
10:33:34 jerrell: woo
10:33:51 jerrell: couldn't get my 770 to connect but laptop seems fine :)
10:34:47 danieljohnlewis: cool jerrell, prod the networking guy if you want to try out 770
10:35:07 jerrell: funky, might do that later. Cheers
10:35:19 danieljohnlewis: as an additional event later this month (which I believe cbetta is setting up):
10:35:39 reyhan: orly
10:36:15 tommorris: bugger forgot to pimp overtheair and gd
10:36:58 yvesr: hello :)
10:37:01 danieljohnlewis: tommorris: we can pimp overtheair as a just before lunch time announcement
10:37:08 danieljohnlewis: hi yvesr
10:40:52 danieljohnlewis: room A: I missed his name
10:41:24 danieljohnlewis: anybody know?
10:41:25 jerrell: jerrell too, sorry
10:44:05 bengee: is that the accessability talk?
10:44:40 bengee: s/ssa/ssi/
10:45:01 danieljohnlewis: yes bengee
10:45:34 bengee: board says peepo, which should be Jonathan Chetwynd then
10:45:46 danieljohnlewis: cool thanks
10:45:54 bengee: np
10:50:21 danieljohnlewis: all: anything uploaded to the wiki should be linked from
10:53:06 cbetta: note to all: dont donate your money to the coffee machine in the hall, as it will literally become a donation
10:54:00 jerrell: heh
10:54:05 jerrell: is there an alternative source of coffee ?
10:54:22 danieljohnlewis: apparently there is a starbucks nearby
10:56:19 reyhan:,-0.165997&spn=0.049579,0.147972&z=13
10:56:23 reyhan: theres 1 or 2
10:57:09 jerrell: 1 or 2 indeed ;)
10:57:17 jerrell: jerrell wonders if he's sitting next to reyhan
10:57:38 reyhan: yarly
10:57:39 reyhan: :D
10:58:12 jerrell: creepy future world
10:58:53 danieljohnlewis: one good question, would we be able to reach the Imperial College WiFI from Starbucks :P
10:59:02 tommorris: next up in A is moi
11:01:06 danieljohnlewis: yvesr, are you going to be talking about anything related to prolog?
11:05:30 yvesr: danieljohnlewis: hmm
11:05:37 yvesr: the thing i ll show are all based on prolog:)
11:05:46 yvesr: but i won't be showing any code, i am affraid
11:05:52 danieljohnlewis: awesome! and awww
11:06:16 yvesr: but i can show you :)
11:06:23 danieljohnlewis: cool
11:07:34 danieljohnlewis: tommorris: get to the fact that iTunes needs owl:sameAs :P
11:08:37 yvesr: lol
11:12:17 yvesr: jerrell: check the slides now
11:13:37 danieljohnlewis: tom morris knows about Christian Existentialists
11:15:24 danieljohnlewis: geekspeeek translation: grokking = understanding
11:15:58 jerrell: I think tommorris is going to like our session :)
11:16:01 yvesr: well, we do have that :)
11:16:05 jerrell: or at least feel strongly about it
11:17:36 Phae: :D
11:17:52 jerrell: ;D
11:19:17 danieljohnlewis: danieljohnlewis wonders how related Toms talk is with APML
11:21:43 jerrell: anyone have the schedule URI to hand pls ?
11:21:56 jerrell: can't seem to find it on the two main webpages
11:24:09 madness: I don't think there is one yet, is there ?
11:25:17 danieljohnlewis: one sec jerrell, editing stuff on the getsemantic wiki
11:25:22 jerrell: cool
11:26:04 danieljohnlewis: I am making it on: * Tom Morris
11:26:05 danieljohnlewis: * Colin Schlüter
11:26:06 danieljohnlewis: * Frances Berriman
11:26:07 danieljohnlewis: * Glenn Jones
11:26:08 danieljohnlewis: * Yves Raimond
11:26:09 danieljohnlewis: * Daniel John Lewis
11:26:10 danieljohnlewis: * Rob McKinnon
11:26:12 danieljohnlewis: * Sheila Ellen
11:26:13 danieljohnlewis: * Ashok Argent-Katwala
11:26:14 danieljohnlewis: * Paul Massey
11:26:15 danieljohnlewis: * Ben Marvell
11:26:17 danieljohnlewis: * Peter Jones
11:26:18 jerrell: I'm guessing that paste went wrong
11:26:19 danieljohnlewis: * Henry J. Story
11:26:21 danieljohnlewis: * Graeme Sutherland
11:26:22 Phae: heh
11:26:23 danieljohnlewis: * Jon Linklater-Johnson
11:26:25 danieljohnlewis: * Dirk Ginader
11:26:27 danieljohnlewis: * Marco
11:26:29 danieljohnlewis: * David McBride
11:26:31 danieljohnlewis: * Nicholas Humfrey
11:26:33 danieljohnlewis: * Fawaz Ghali
11:26:35 danieljohnlewis: * Gareth Rushgrove
11:26:36 peepo: kick please
11:26:37 danieljohnlewis: * Josie Fraser
11:26:39 danieljohnlewis: * Jeremy Keith
11:26:41 danieljohnlewis: * François Dongier
11:26:43 danieljohnlewis: * Inigo Surguy
11:26:45 danieljohnlewis: * Chris Sutton
11:26:47 yvesr: lol - floooood!
11:26:58 peepo:
11:27:09 peepo: Symbol languages and the Semantic Web
11:27:24 peepo: referring to using wordnet and RDF
11:28:00 jerrell: peepo: that rings a bell, istr it seemed cool
11:28:08 danieljohnlewis: I've been awake for far too long for me
11:28:16 jerrell: danieljohnlewis: :)
11:28:23 jerrell: see, you need coffee too ;)
11:28:30 reyhan: or bacon
11:28:34 yvesr: or both
11:28:39 jerrell: mmm, now hungry
11:29:31 reyhan: agrd
11:31:00 reyhan: who is streaming this on
11:31:31 jerrell: tommorris: was good and interesting :)
11:32:19 yvesr: tommorris: well done :-)
11:33:51 madness: I missed the name of the French guy presenting in room A - anyone ?
11:34:03 danieljohnlewis: madness, its Henry Story
11:34:07 madness: thanks
11:34:16 madness: although he doesn't sound french :P
11:34:19 jerrell: is there anyone presenting in other rooms ?
11:34:23 danieljohnlewis: I've started putting the schedule on the getsemantic:
11:34:44 madness: danieljohnlewis: awesome :)
11:35:29 jerrell: good work
11:37:31 peepo:
11:37:35 peepo: CV
11:37:46 peepo: for Henry ~:"
11:38:39 yvesr: i didn't know he was french!
11:38:49 yvesr: (and he doesn't sound like it, really :-) )
11:38:54 danieljohnlewis: for extra info based on what Henry just said: it was Robert Scoble who was recently kicked off for scraping info from Facebook (including email addresses I believe)
11:39:08 reyhan: <3 SCOBLR
11:40:33 madness: <3 portability of all kinds.
11:41:20 danieljohnlewis: i was part of this discussion (which Henry is talking about)
11:42:21 danieljohnlewis: trying to get the rest of the dataportability group to realise that URIs are the best way to do things, linking to objects ensures that data is fresh
11:43:31 inigosurguy: The key problem to me doesn't seem like a technical issue around URIs - it's that the business model of companies like Facebook is directly opposed to having open data
11:43:38 cbetta: any Symfony users here?
11:44:12 inigosurguy: Whereas non-ad-supported sites like LiveJournal are happier to have their data reused
11:44:45 danieljohnlewis: inigosurguy, this is very true and what the initiative is about
11:45:08 cbetta: talking about dataportability
11:45:26 cbetta: I am organizing a Geek Dinner on the 27th with a few DP people giving a talk
11:48:00 madness: cbetta: where ?
11:48:12 cbetta: 1 sec
11:48:14 madness: cbetta: and yes, Symfony user - what do you need ;)
11:49:01 cbetta: Geek Dinner :
11:49:02 inigosurguy: Daniel, how does aim to persuade closed social networks that value of openness > cost
11:49:05 cbetta: please come all
11:49:07 cbetta: :D
11:49:16 cbetta: madness, can't get the pear install to work
11:49:37 madness: cbetta: are you using the darwinports PHP install, or ?
11:50:08 cbetta: mamp
11:50:40 madness: cbetta: when is Lunch ? I can help you then ?
11:50:54 danieljohnlewis: inigosurguy: its all not really that far developed yet, everybody still seems to be arguing about the standards... although there are a few names on the list from google, facebook and microsoft (for example)
11:51:49 cbetta: lunch is at....
11:52:07 cbetta: is there a DP talk going on NOW?
11:52:16 cbetta: lunch is at 13:00
11:53:03 jerrell: danieljohnlewis: don't have a login handy, could you add 12:00, Room A, "C4DM : Semantic Web for Music" to the schedule please ?
11:53:24 inigosurguy: cbetta - Henry Story is talking about address books, FOAF, social networks, and so on
11:53:30 danieljohnlewis: cbetta there are a few DP skype chats going on, plus there are the various different google groups. The discussion that Henry mentioned earlier was one on the discussion forum here:
11:54:09 danieljohnlewis: jerrell: ok doing that now :)
11:54:14 jerrell: thanks
11:56:06 cbetta: danieljohnlewis I know about the skype chats. Hanged around in them for a while. Just noting to people there will be an event
11:56:27 danieljohnlewis: cbetta: oh right
11:58:10 danieljohnlewis: OAuth =
12:02:19 gywst: I hope to listen to podcasts of the sessions
12:03:10 danieljohnlewis: I hope someone is recording then. We will certainly have write ups, photos and maybe a movie or two
12:03:17 peepo:
12:03:18 danieljohnlewis: Slides will be released too
12:03:46 peepo: different audiences require different homepages ~:"
12:04:11 gywst: cool thanks... having a bit of sun in Israel :-)
12:04:51 madness: what's happening in the other rooms next ?
12:06:36 danieljohnlewis: madness: I'll collect the information from the board during lunch... unless somebody is out there already, then they are very welcomed to edit the wiki
12:08:30 reyhan: did somebody say lunch was at 1p?
12:09:49 madness: there's only a presentation up on the board for Room A
12:14:58 inigosurguy: Does anyone know the current speaker's name, please? I missed it
12:15:17 danieljohnlewis: inigosurguy, its Yves Raimond
12:15:25 inigosurguy: Thanks
12:23:20 gywst: any twitter feeds?
12:24:35 madness: gywst: track semanticcamplondon , I would have thought ?
12:24:51 madness: though I'm not getting much back from that
12:25:06 madness: , too
12:25:50 danieljohnlewis: interesting, twitter is something that we hadn't thought about in respect comments for talks
12:29:06 reyhan: cant somebody just create an account and whack a mention on the wiki
12:29:14 reyhan: assuming it already hasnt been done :)
12:30:07 Ailin: good day
12:33:03 cbetta: I am TIRED
12:33:06 cbetta: need more sleeeeeep
12:33:24 danieljohnlewis: gywst: if you didn't spot it linked from the jaiku page, its being streamed!
12:33:25 danieljohnlewis:
12:33:33 OlegL: hi every1
12:33:48 OlegL: yes, my orange was in the way of the video stream for a while until we realised what was going on :-p
12:34:15 danieljohnlewis: OlegL, its good to see you here
12:34:34 OlegL: likewise Daniel, well done with the great support
12:35:41 gywst: voice distorted :-(
12:38:21 cbetta: who want to come and get some starbucks during lunch?
12:38:23 cbetta: or will there be coffee here?
12:38:56 OlegL: i might be tempted ..
12:39:44 Ailin: cbetta: Well, I guess there are some closer coffee places on but I guess they're closed. :(
12:40:22 OlegL:,+Greater+London,+United+Kingdom&fb=1&view=text&cd=1&hl=en&oi=georefine&ct=clnk&f=l&geocode=0,51.494426,-0.177122
12:42:41 Ailin: OlegL: Thanks. I definitely suggest the Gloucester Road are quite good in general
12:43:26 OlegL: No problem, I don't know the hood very well - meet up after this session and go together?
12:43:39 Ailin:
12:43:45 Ailin: I'm not in. :P
12:43:51 Ailin: (not yet anyway)
12:44:00 Ailin: but I'm an IC student, I know the hood rather well.
12:45:01 reyhan: less coffee moar fud
12:45:02 reyhan: :)
12:45:26 Ailin: reyhan: Especailly with the connection. :P
12:48:33 reyhan: is this lunch?
13:00:07 OlegL: are most people here in the big room? maybe we should branch off into channels if any1 wants to discuss the current talk
13:02:17 jerrell: jerrell is happy hearing chat about all the talks so he knows what he's missing :)
13:02:25 jerrell: (are there other talks going on ?)
13:02:47 OlegL: just conversations i think
13:03:00 OlegL: but others are scheduled in the other rooms
13:03:14 jerrell: for after luunch ?
13:03:21 jerrell: (lagging -> typos, sorry)
13:03:39 OlegL: probably
13:06:06 OlegL: i'll check in a bit and let you know
13:06:18 madness: cbetta: you still here ?
13:06:27 cbetta: yeah
13:06:45 madness: cbetta: where you going for lunch ? I'll try and help you out with the symfony stuff
13:06:56 cbetta: am in B
13:07:01 cbetta: there is lunch in the hall
13:07:06 cbetta: but want to get some coffee
13:08:11 OlegL: lets meet in B in a sec and introduce ourselves : )
13:08:18 cbetta: ok
13:08:24 cbetta: im the guy with the macbook
13:08:27 madness: LOL
13:08:34 cbetta: :D
13:08:42 cbetta: madness, your Ng , right?
13:08:48 madness: cbetta: yes, that's right
13:08:51 cbetta: ok
13:08:52 cbetta: check
13:09:11 cbetta: is that really your last name or a acronym?
13:09:35 madness: cbetta: really my last name. I'm half chinese half english