Channel #semanticcamp: Logs

This is a public chat log generated from the #semanticcamp IRC channel.

23:15:01 jibot: danbri is that foaf guy from
01:19:42 cbetta: semanticcamp was GOOD
01:19:58 cbetta: even while I spent more time networking than attending talks
01:21:46 tantek: was much of it captured on a wiki etc for folks to review afterwards
01:21:47 tantek: ?
01:24:09 cbetta: uhh
01:24:11 cbetta: donnow
01:24:13 cbetta: dont think so
01:24:18 cbetta: I didnt
01:24:32 cbetta: sorry
01:24:40 cbetta: we did talk about you
01:26:07 tantek: i was bummed to miss it for sure, and wasn't able to figure out doing a video for it either.
01:26:31 cbetta: ah
01:26:32 cbetta: well
01:26:42 cbetta: most people put their slides on slideshare
01:26:46 cbetta: when they had some
01:26:57 cbetta: there were people that broadcasted to yahoo life
01:27:11 cbetta: but you honestly need a good mic for that to be able to follow that
01:27:18 cbetta: I tried this morning from home
01:27:25 cbetta: I meant Yahoo! Live
01:29:43 tantek: is yahoo live archived?
01:29:57 tantek: even then, real time media (audio/video) is hard to browse
01:30:22 cbetta: dont know
01:30:24 cbetta: dont think so
01:30:29 cbetta: I know Ustream can record
01:31:11 cbetta: I did a talk on Alper Cugun's hcard, which was more of a demo/discussion
01:31:44 tantek: nice
01:31:49 cbetta: I meant Alper Cugun's hAvatar plugin
01:31:51 tantek: his plugin for Wordpress?
01:31:52 tantek: right
01:32:03 cbetta: sorry, doing 5 dings at a time
01:32:04 tantek: I think he updated it recently to support representative hCard parsing right?
01:32:11 cbetta: yeah
01:32:14 cbetta: that is what we discussed
01:32:28 cbetta: and your site is kinda one of the few sites that really has more than one hcard on it
01:33:01 cbetta: had a small discussion on what hAvatar really does that Gravatar can't
01:33:18 tantek: lots of social network sites are
01:33:22 tantek: on profile pages
01:33:33 tantek: primary hCard for the person (represented by the profile)
01:33:41 tantek: and then mini hCards in their friends list
01:33:42 cbetta: yeah but those sites arent often used as people's main url
01:33:48 cbetta: but in the future they certainly will
01:33:52 tantek: e.g.
01:33:56 cbetta: yeah
01:33:58 tantek:
01:33:59 cbetta: true
01:34:03 cbetta: I think twitter does it too
01:34:12 tantek: that's certainly the trend
01:35:12 cbetta: but we discussed that there currently is one issue with the hAvatar plugin
01:35:19 cbetta: and that is that it doesn't cahce
01:35:25 cbetta: not that that causes performance problems
01:35:45 cbetta: but more that someone can change their avatar in one of your old posts to something inappropriate that you will never notice
01:36:14 cbetta: where as Gravatar is centralized and therefore checked by the Gravatar people to not contain any explicit content
01:38:06 cbetta: kind of a pickle on who has to take responsibility of that foreign content that an hAvatar is
01:39:49 cbetta: this is the link to version 0.3 of the plugin
01:47:11 tantek: cbetta - the problem is the whole notion of "explicit content" itself is flawed, doesn't scale, and will never make everyone happy
01:47:25 cbetta: yeah true
01:47:42 cbetta: so I suggested to just store the avatar used at the time of the comment and never change it
01:48:08 cbetta: problem there is that people want to be able to "change" their avatar internet-wide whenever they can
01:48:32 cbetta: you see where this went
01:50:44 tantek: not quite
01:50:51 tantek: i think it's a feature that people can update their avatar
01:51:25 tantek: you can always whitelist domains from which you trust hCard images
01:51:50 tantek: for example you could say, hey, I like Livejournal's terms of use for icons, so I'll let any/all livejournal profile hCards thru
01:51:51 tantek: etc.
01:52:01 tantek: in reality i think this is blown out of proportion
01:52:16 tantek: so just block/ban people who change their avatars to something offensive (whatever that means to you)
01:52:34 tantek: and have the plugin just keep track of when changes occur to any avatar on any comment so you can review yourself
01:53:05 tantek: btw re: "explicit content" - that whole notion results in lowest common conservative denominator thinking
01:53:10 tantek: like what if I don't want any religious iconography showing up on my blog but am ok with people showing skin?
01:53:19 cbetta: yeah
01:53:20 cbetta: ok
01:53:22 cbetta: true
01:53:29 tantek: so always question anyone who says "explicit content"
01:53:31 tantek: there is no such thing
01:53:36 tantek: what is explicit for one person isn't for another
01:53:38 tantek: etc.
01:53:40 cbetta: so basically it is the responsibility of the plugin to give the user options
01:53:49 tantek: or not
01:54:06 tantek: don't bother coding it until people complain more about that than about other feature requests
01:54:13 cbetta: true
01:54:16 tantek: let the community help shape priorities
01:54:20 tantek: rather than being fear driven up front
01:54:27 tantek: a priori fear is a really bad way to make decisions
01:55:38 cbetta: ok
01:55:40 cbetta: good point
01:55:43 cbetta: thanx
01:57:35 tantek: good questions/issues
01:57:47 cbetta: yeah tthat was kind of the point
01:57:54 cbetta: get discussion and awareness
01:57:55 tantek: could you capture them FAQ style here?
01:57:57 tantek: i have to run
01:57:59 tantek: thanks!
01:58:03 cbetta: im off to bed
01:58:07 cbetta: maybe tomorrow
01:58:11 tantek: is ok do tomorrow
01:58:12 cbetta: have to discuss with alper anyway
01:58:13 tantek: thanks much!
01:58:23 tantek: go ahead and post the issues/answers
01:58:26 cbetta: you have to ask tom for videos/wiki
01:58:30 tantek: can discuss by sending folks URLs to it
01:58:36 tantek: capture first, discuss later
01:58:44 cbetta: ok
01:58:47 cbetta: will do
09:10:35 binarytales: tom posted on here a few days ago a link to a website that let you search all public twitter posts, anyone know what i'm talking and can give me the link again cos I can't find it.
09:34:48 binarytales: tommorris, a few days ago you posted a link here that was a site that let you search twitter posts? can you remember it and of so can you give me the link?
09:35:07 tommorris: yep -
09:35:12 binarytales: thanks
09:35:17 tommorris: if you use yubnub you can use twt
09:35:45 binarytales: no idea what either of those are
09:36:46 tommorris:
09:36:48 binarytales: I need to swap my battery but without shutting down my laptop...... damn.
09:37:48 binarytales: oh.... maybe i can last till my train comes in...
09:37:52 binarytales: its going to be close
10:47:57 jibot: bengee is Benjamin Nowack (
11:19:52 Phae:
11:19:56 Phae: fyi
11:27:16 bengee: cool
11:27:43 bengee: bengee has been pondering a test suite for the MF extractors in ARC
11:28:16 bengee: could maybe try to generalize that somehow
11:28:50 Phae: m'k
11:33:43 kwijibo: bengee: how would that work?
11:34:46 kwijibo: Phae: how come ARC's not on the list?
11:35:12 bengee: I haven't added it to the mf wiki yet
11:36:04 kwijibo: hmm
11:36:24 bengee: re test suite, we'd need some flat/unified/canonical way to represent the information a MF parser should extract
11:36:54 kwijibo: bengee: what about your idea of vanilla mf mapping to rdf?
11:37:15 kwijibo: ie: using the wiki as a namespace uri or something, instead of mapping to foaf/vcard
11:37:32 Phae: sorry, attempting to do some work (and failing)
11:37:46 bengee: heh
11:37:53 kwijibo: that would give a unified format to run testsuites on
11:38:02 Phae: not on list because they weren't actually on our list...
11:38:11 Phae: i need to mentally run over the other bits we talked about. i didn't take notes :/
11:38:53 bengee: kwijibo, yeah, something like that. for tests prolly w/o a namespace uri at all
11:39:44 bengee: like rdf/json objects, but with short keys
11:40:18 kwijibo: bengee: you'd need some namespace uri I think, no? I think there's some clashing of terms depending on the mf
11:40:25 kwijibo: could be wrong
11:40:50 kwijibo: i thought, eg: 'title' was used in more than one mf
11:40:57 bengee: well, microformats are single-namespace
11:41:38 kwijibo: or rather, a 0 namespace
11:41:39 bengee: you'd pass in something like the structure you get from e.g. the mofo parser
11:43:20 bengee: bengee gotta do work, too
11:45:06 kwijibo: you'd need to use the rdf namespace for rdf:type to say what kind of microformat it was though
11:45:14 yvesr:
11:45:50 Phae: ty :)
11:46:02 Phae: we ought to stick the blog articles on teh wiki
11:46:04 bengee: for a microformateer-friendly test suite, I'd try to avoid URIs where possible
11:48:27 kwijibo: c'mon bengee, it's only one ;)
11:48:30 kwijibo: one little uri
11:48:58 yvesr: :)
11:49:18 bengee: was really cool to meet you guys IRL, btw .)
11:49:25 kwijibo: IRL lol
11:49:35 kwijibo: yes, definitely
11:49:56 yvesr: yes, it was really great :)
11:50:02 kwijibo: It was great to get to see all the cool stuff you guys are doing first hand
11:50:22 bengee: well, as far as a barcamp represents real life ;)
11:50:37 kwijibo: dbtunes, knowee, beatnik, etc, great stuff :)
11:50:46 Phae: no offense intended, but it was much better than i was expecting. i thought it was genuinely fun, interesting and actually made me quite optomistic again
11:50:57 bengee: s/IRL/3d space/
11:51:06 kwijibo: lol
11:51:20 kwijibo: kwijibo imagines 3d irc
11:53:31 bengee: kwijibo, the drupal chump on #swig is apparently another rdf/json implementation
11:53:54 kwijibo: Tom Heath's blog commented that it was a shame that there seemed a bit of a divide between swiggers and 'teers
11:54:54 kwijibo: in retrospect, it's maybe a shame there wasn't more emphasis one how tools like ARC can bring the worlds together
11:55:27 Phae: i think there was some good-natured banter, but as a 'teer, i didn't feel like either technique was being dismissed
11:55:52 kwijibo: bengee: so I can get rdf/json of swig logs?
11:56:18 kwijibo: got a uri?
11:56:19 bengee: Phae, I think so, too
11:56:45 Phae: in fact, i was really pleased to have some good conversations with people about best use-cases for either and working along side one another
11:56:52 Phae: i wish i'd known a bit more about ARC before this weekend, tbh
11:57:48 kwijibo: I read about another web service that does sparqling of mf - do they use arc, d'y'know bengee?
11:58:21 bengee: ARC only just began to attract mfers, still some way to go
11:58:55 bengee: collected a number of useful suggestions at semcamp
11:59:47 Phae: right, i gotta go scrum. back later.
12:00:11 kwijibo: cu
12:00:20 bengee: kwijibo, no rdf/json in the chump, but related to the chump'd URL
12:00:27 kwijibo: ah bengee, I understand now, re json
12:00:35 kwijibo: <-- awesome
12:00:59 kwijibo: I like the sound of rdf_serialise and rdf_unserialise
13:03:26 danieljohnlewis: I'm collecting URIs to blog posts about SemantiCamp, so I can post them somewhere
13:04:27 danieljohnlewis: danieljohnlewis notes that some people don't tag, and some that do don't have it hooked into technorati
13:14:34 danbri: 'I like the sound of rdf_serialise and rdf_unserialise'
13:14:40 danbri: EN-uk?
13:14:49 danbri: USAmericans will want z
13:14:52 danbri: serialize
13:16:10 danbri: but getting this in drupal is going to be fantastic :)
13:16:38 danieljohnlewis: we've (OpenLink) had drupal running on top of virtuoso for a while now ;)
15:05:46 danieljohnlewis: blimey! is it really 3:05pm!
15:35:28 peepo:
15:35:46 peepo: one twitter feed, a few links with titles maybe...
19:48:39 jibot: KevinMarks is a writer of code, limericks, weblogs & syllepses & his blog is at & he explains how to get Creators paid at & originally from London, UK & living in Willow Glen, San Jose, CA & is WikipediaWorthy & part of & PST (UTC-8) & the Podfather & now credentialed as a social genius